New Beginning


The life, when we can see more blue skies, flowing rivers and peaking mountains. The life which enthrall us with beautiful flowers. The ability to soak oneself in the sounds of chirping canaries. The life, which promises  cleaner environment, robust nations, stronger governments, fewer conflicts, more sanitation, better medical facilities, advanced education system and, faster technologies. The life, which is filled with peace, serenity and sanctity. The promise that brings families and loved ones together. The plan and policy that promises home for the homeless and care for the uncared. The year that creates more opportunities for people living on the margins. The belief that values, life, above all. The atmosphere that celebrates the human resilience and dignity. A life where all can experience prosperity and wealth, as well as appreciation for who they are and not what they should be. An equal opportunity in education, occupation and citizenship which can further strengthen human endeavor and achievement. The homes where foods are in plenty and fears fumbled. A life of nonviolence and cooperation which further leads us in unifying the divides and disagreements. Is this too much to ask? What kind of world are we living in?


Sometimes I wonder, am I too Utopian? And why? The answer to that is yes. I am a little more Utopian than I should be. But the optimist in me always reassures me that I am thinking normal and should continue thinking in the same direction. I should be more and more fearless toward my approach regarding the life and how it should be. After all, the promise of peaceful and worthy life is worth more than the fear of not having it at all. The hope of good is far greater than the despair of bad. Certainly, life is a juggernaut of possibilities and we all are in it together, trying to maximize and extract the best of it within the realm of what it can offer. We are worthy of every drop of good that it has to offer to us and in doing so we must overcome our fears and doubts.


Life is meant for celebration and not despair.  It is meant to be a beautiful bouquet of fragrant, vibrant and blooming flowers full of life and beauty. Hope is a keyword here. The human spirit which springs from love, respect, and honor is what keeps us going. The same human spirit is concentric to who we are and what we represent.  The belief in the delight of blue skies, canaries and freedom can be restored if we are willing to make few changes. What are we running for? And from? And toward? We have to take a pause and breathe and soak in the celebration of life and the joy that comes with it. I see people around me leading their so called successful lives, in utter chaos and dysfunction, which they label as happy and successful, however in reality they are far from it. They have everything but not what they really need and that is, a moment or two to take a breather and enjoy their lives with their loved ones. How can this be a successful life when one can’t even enjoy their own so called success? This robotic lifestyle has all the elements that further complicates the situation. Resultantly, we are programmed like a clockwork and we don’t see any abnormality in that as that is what the majority of the people are doing.

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There are too many irrelevance around us. The kind of which we can do without. This kind of approach is not healthy and not at all conducive to our growth. The mental and spiritual growth is one of the basic components of wholesome attainment of full and accomplished life. The life that we can feel proud of.  We must venture and progress toward what our mind wants to achieve and not what others are doing. It is wise to verify and then follow rather than just follow. I would rather keep verifying my whole life than following a wrong example. Undoubtedly, following a wrong example can have disastrous results. The idea is to immerse in the essence of life, wherever one can get it. After meeting so many people throughout my life, I have come to a conclusion that most of us are simple human beings with simple aspirations of happiness, success and peace. But for many of us finding the simple solution becomes daunting and exasperating. Instead of taking the simplest of routes we make things more complicated. All aspirations have simple rules and it’s true. For example, we can be happy only if others around us are happy. We can’t be happy when other people are in pain, so the basic premise is don’t cause pain to others because eventually that pain will come back to you sooner or later. A promise of not causing pain to others is a first step toward your own happiness. It’s that simple. It’s foolproof. To attain peaceful living the constant chaos and irrelevance has to be discarded. And discarded for good. Chaos can give birth to another kind of chaos, and yet another till we can’t differentiate. Instead of discarding chaos and rejecting its influence, we accept it and label it as a” new normal”. In my view chaos and normal cannot go hand in hand. If by any chance we are unperturbed by the notion of chaos, and go on accepting the unacceptable, we are not living the full life. The bottom line is relax, rejuvenate and resort to things that promises better life and subsequently better world. These are the very basic, rest of the things will follow its course. Success does not come easy, and requires tremendous amount of hard work and organization on our part. Nothing is more fulfilling than the sweet smell of success. Success does not like haphazard and all over the place attitude.  Success loves focus and concentration, and requires relentless appetite for hard work, without which we fail and blame it on everything. If we really want something so bad, we have to keep trying without thinking about the consequences. If we devote our time and energy to one thing that we want to accomplish, nothing can stop us from getting there, not even us.


Consequently, to experience the life in its totality, we have to revisit ourselves first and ask what makes us unique and intelligent and beautiful? What differentiates us from others? The answer lies within us. The ability to smell the flowers and further rejuvenate our senses differentiates us from other living beings. That ability should not be forsaken in the chaotic challenges of day to day living. That capability makes us unique and beautiful.


This life of happiness, success and peace is possible only if we recognize our basic human premise, in finding joy, in chirping canaries, peaking mountains and flowing rivers. That makes us human, and helps us maintain our sanity and courage to move forward, and take up the challenges that are thrown in our way. That is the life we all aspire to have where people are free from religious, social, economic and racial shackles. Where the life promises to be equitable and vibrant. When opportunities are numerous and possibilities endless. Where chaos is not the way of life but an aberration. When we all can enjoy the chirping canaries in their vibrant yellow feathers. Where peaking mountains reassure us that our dreams are within our reach, we only have to keep trying. Where flowing rivers are soothing music to our ears and a reminder that life has to go on, unabated and relentless. That will be our new beginning. Unshackled, unbiased and uninterrupted.

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