Turmeric:  Golden Treasure In Your Kitchen


Native to India and China turmeric has traveled the globe and is one of the most researched root spices in the world. For centuries this spice has been used by Chinese and Indian people in their cooking and as a healing miracle medicine by ancient herbalists.  Apart from ancient Indians and Chinese, turmeric has been used by Arabs, Africans and vast majority of Southeast Asian countries. Turmeric has gained momentum in recent years across the globe, and therefore can now be considered a truly global spice. It is a key ingredient of most of the curry dishes in India and is also revered for its purity and auspiciousness. Turmeric is also a key feature in Indian weddings, namely known as Haldi ceremony. However, the health benefits of this wonder spice goes beyond cultural and state lines.  In the United States of America, turmeric is a substance that is included on the GRAS List (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration where it is considered as a natural food coloring agent. This wonder root spice has hosts of health benefits that is properly backed by thousands of studies conducted by researchers and scientists all across the globe.

These are some of the most significant health benefits that over the years researches have outlined.


 Turmeric has a compound called curcumin which is one of the major factors in fighting the inflammation of all kinds in our body.  As we are aware that most of the disease are caused by inflammation, therefore by incorporating turmeric in our lifestyle and diet can reduce or treat inflammation substantially. Some of the most common and deadly ailments today such as cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, high cholesterol and chronic pain can be the result of inflammation. By using turmeric in our diets we can reduce the occurrence and severity of these diseases manifold.

Treats gastrointestinal disorders:

Stress and unhealthy lifestyles are some of the reasons why more and more people suffer from gastro intestinal disorders these days. Ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, and Chrons disease to name a few. Sometime the medicine taken to cure these ailments further damage the mucosal lining of the intestine thus making the situation worse. Use of turmeric regularly can help in the repair and strengthening of mucosal lining and reduce the severity of the problem.

Arthritis treatment:

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties have shown promising results on people suffering from arthritis.  Because curcumin is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and pain reducing characteristics, in some research studies, one set of  patients were given curcumin, while other set of patients were given arthritis medicine. The results were really amazing. Patients who had consumed curcumin had their pains and inflammation reduced more effectively than those who were on arthritis medicine.

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Helps in Cancer treatment:

According to several studies, curcumin is very effective in the treatment of certain types of cancer e.g. prostate, colon, pancreas, breast, cervix, stomach and mouth. Turmeric helps in the detoxification process and therefore prevents cancers from growing or forming. Detoxification aided by curcumin removes toxins from the body which helps and prepares the body in fighting cancers and other types inflammation. A 2007 American study that combined curcumin with chemotherapy to treat bowel cancer cells in a laboratory showed that the combined treatment killed more cancer cells than the chemotherapy alone.

Cardiovascular benefits:

 Curcumin is anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, and detoxifying. Mainly because of these three properties it helps in reduction of cholesterol levels and aiding in the cardiovascular health in humans.  Bad lifestyle, stress and inflammation increase the chances of heart disease in people of all ages and race. A study done by Drugs in R & D found that curcumin was equal or more effective than diabetes medications at reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the treatment of high cholesterol. In many studies conducted, it has been found that turmeric affects plaque buildup in the arteries thus helping the heart.

Turmeric is also known to help fight Alzheimer’s disease. India, which consumes the most turmeric, has some of the lowest prevalence rates for the disease.

Turmeric is truly a super food, and the good news is more and more people are now paying attention to its superb health benefits. It’s an inexpensive root and is available year round in raw and powdered form. India is the largest producer of turmeric. It has very few side effects and should be consumed in required amount in powder, supplement, or raw form.  Generally 1-2 teaspoons of ground organic turmeric is considered sufficient dosage for an adult per day. It is most effective when taken in tea form or in the form of supplements. Turmeric capsules should always be taken after consulting your health care professionals.

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Turmeric Tea Recipe:

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1 teaspoon ground turmeric powder

1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

1 cup warm water

Few drops of olive oil or edible coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon Honey (optional)

Mix turmeric, pepper, oil, and honey in a cup of warm water. Stir and enjoy.

Preferably after meal.

The reason we put pepper and oil in the turmeric tea is to increase its absorption and bio availability. Without those two ingredients it’s not as effective as it should be.

Turmeric can also be enjoyed by adding it to curries, scrambled eggs, by sprinkling on avocado (mainly for increasing its bio availability, avocado supports that), sprinkling it on salads or just by mixing it with plain milk. It can be consumed in variety of forms in our daily diet.

I mostly prefer having turmeric tea minus the honey, and the results have been quite good.  I have been a regular consumer of turmeric tea and the results have been astounding in reducing the inflammation and fatigue. In matters related to health prevention is better than cure.

Disclaimer: The ideas, recipes, and dosage expressed in this article are mainly based on the Author’s own experience, and also some research studies published in journals. Before using turmeric it is advised to meet with your health care professional and discuss all the medicines and supplements that you are on. Turmeric may interfere with some medications, therefore should be taken under medical supervision.

Bibliography: Complete Guide To HERBS & SPICES, Nancy J. Hajeski
