As we all know change is the most dynamic and sure phenomenon known to mankind. Every “moment” is a witness of some or the other kind of change, some good–some bad, but change nonetheless. Each moment triggers some or the other kind of change, without us noticing it. Change is constant, a sure phenomenon, and whether we like it or not it is taking place right in front of us, every single moment.
Night changes to day and day progresses into night, spring is followed by summer, and fall is followed by winter. Newborn turns into a toddler, adult and then old. Relationship changes from nothing to lifelong commitment and from everything to nothing— change is inevitable.
Almost all of us want our lives to be better, fulfilling and joyful. I have not met a single person who doesn’t aspire for happiness, love and success. We all like the idea of happiness, love and joy. Who doesn’t? And why not? But why is that– only some of us achieve the ultimate joys of life, while most of us grapple with the dreariness, insipidness and drudgeries of life. Why such starkness in two different experiences. In my view, the only thing that differentiates one person from another is their ability to change. Some people understand the significance of change early on and keep their focus on the goals that they have set for themselves–goals related to family, education, work, happiness, success, and so on. Furthermore, due to the strong presence of these abilities they change their thought process and subsequently find themselves closer to the goals that they have in their minds for themselves.
My most solid argument for change is nature itself. Think about nature and what it is best at — CHANGE. What would have happened if nature didn’t change? Just think of cold winters that never leaves, summer that stays forever, rain that would not stop and endless spring–beautiful, but monotonous nonetheless. The nature at its best teaches as that— beginning of one event is the beginning of an end for the other. The existing has to make way for the new and that way the cycle continues.
It’s undisputed fact that, life is challenging and hard, but at the same time it’s also beautiful, fulfilling and majestic. Change is the only way out to “majestic” from “hard.” It is better to change our outlook, vision, idea in order to achieve the happiness and fulfillment that we all seek while we are here. Life is beautiful and splendid when it works according to our plans, however, the same life becomes burden when it does not respond to our plans. That is the real test of human intelligence and evolution. We must evolve in order to get closer to our goals. That is the time for real and pragmatic change in the course of our lives. Notably, all those people who have embraced change and view the world with open minds have been able to assimilate and succeed in the due process, compared to those who have not. The idea is to make life work for you instead of complaining about what is not right and what does not respond to your plans. In other words what does not work for you. Life is workable, otherwise we wouldn’t have been here. Therefore, it is not that difficult to understand that small changes and improvisation can have a dramatic effect on the quality of our lives. The only thing needed here is the willingness to accept new ideas and thoughts.
Life works for those who like to work for their dreams and aspirations.
People go through numerous issues related to relationships, family, love, success, and so on. They continue to remain in the same situation for many years without any real willingness to change their status quo. This leaves them with little or no choice and thus forces them to live the life of staleness and monotony which further reduces their lives to less than ordinary. When life does not improve to suit your needs, it must change. Therefore, change you must for the greater good and better existence.
When life does not behave in the manner we would expect to see, it’s time for us to change the way we live, conduct and react to situations.
Life is a real manifestation of nature and should behave like nature. Nature keeps changing according to its needs and therefore same should apply to us. I have always believed in principles, but when my principles don’t work for me I prefer making little adjustments to create a more pleasant experience for me and my surroundings. After all we are here for a limited period of time bound by relationships, social obligations, ambitions and desires. We have to achieve everything in this given period of time and we must.
Conclusively, change is the most vivid law of universe. Nothing can escape change. We are the assembly line of change since our birth till the last beat of the heart. The end of each event is a beginning for another, a change that is inevitable and the only constant. The most crucial part of life is not life itself, but how we make it work for ourselves in the best and most positive manner. Anytime we decide to make life work in our favor, it actually works, only when we are truly convinced to see its promise, meaningfulness, and grandeur. It is also a reminder that everything is possible when we have the awareness and intelligence to accept our realities and turn it around in our favor through meaningful changes. It is the reinforcement of the human versatility and resilience and also the conviction and willingness to transform our lives according to our desires and dreams. Therefore it is not ambiguous to say that everything is linked to how willing we are to change to meet our goals. Truly our openness to change is the opening of numerous possibilities.
Therefore, change is the foundation of nature and most inevitable phenomenon. Humans are the most wonderful of all creations and therefore it requires an understanding from us to respect the cycle of creation and destruction through the process of change. Our purpose is to achieve the happiness and fulfillment through these inevitable cycles of creation and destruction. Life can be truly a blessing when we understand the real cycles of nature. Nature maintains its balance through change and we can too– when we are willing to change for the grander purposes of life.