Super food that heals


I remember my childhood, and the food that used to be around us. Calling myself an epicurean would not be an overstatement. Food was and has been a significant part of our family since as far as I can remember.  A great deal of time and effort is required to organize meals for the family in almost every household. As a teenager, I remember myself eating almost everything that was available for eating, without being worried about my weight. If at all, there was a worry, then it had to be about how to make myself, look a little chubbier than I was? Those were happy days!! Nothing was off limits, carbs, proteins, fruits, vegetables, sweets, meats, nuts etc. I don’t recall myself thinking about calories at all, and if I truly confess, I don’t think I even knew, what calories actually meant then? I don’t recall a single instance where food was about counting calories. It was a full throttle enjoyment of delicious and sumptuous spread of variety of delicacies with family and friends. Same lifestyle remained until, I was in my late twenties. I was already few years into marriage and absolutely new to my most revered and favorite role, that was of a new mother. During that time I did gain a few pounds here and there and lost all of it almost immediately. Food still remained important part of my life. That was the time, when I started realizing that some things that I used to enjoy were suddenly getting out of my daily meals, because, I was convinced they were the culprits of my weight gain. Although, my weight gain was not much, but there were some weight related issues nonetheless. That was the time of quick fix and semi prepared prepackaged meals of all shape, size and origin. There was massive inundation of over processed food in the market and too many gimmicks about fat free and fat less food. As a consumer, it was confounding to understand the labels and what it meant for the overall health and its impact on the body in general both in the short and the long run.  That was the time when instant noodles, instant soups and for that matter instant everything was gaining traction. Consequently this instant food business also lead to instant weight gain, obesity and huge lifestyle irregularities for many of us. For a layperson those attractive packaging were too good to resist and too promising and time saving to let go. However, the reality of over processed food was nothing but too many empty calories and too little nutrition. That was the time to realize, how badly people were sold into the gimmicks of commercial food industry.  It was also a time to remind and reinstate the belief that why? While growing up even after eating all of my favorite foods, it was not difficult to maintain a healthy weight as well as happy eats.  Undoubtedly freshly cooked whole, natural and, nutritious food was the key to healthy weight and the reason behind those happy times.

I have always been an informed eater, however, from time to time, even I have gone through my share of weight related issues. Many of us, men, women and now even kids go through these weight issues on a regular basis without completely understanding the underlying causes that hugely contribute to it. Most of the time we think we are eating right, and I am sure most of us do that but somehow many a times, we fail to include all food groups in our diet in the required amount and thus suffer nutrition deficiency of a unique kind. It is called starving at the cellular and nutritional level. Due to lack of awareness and wrong food choices our body starves nutritionally. Consequently, the body’s fighting capacity is reduced and immunity is weakened giving a free passage to many of the unwanted free radicals, which further damages our system. Without solid foundation of all the vitamins and minerals required for our wellbeing it is impossible to maintain the health that we all desire. Health is not an entitlement, it is an ongoing process, which requires some serious life style alterations on our behalf.

For many years, I have soaked myself into reading about food and nutrition and found out that, almost all nutritionists and food scientists have emphasized on fresh and wholesome eating pattern that is simple, fresh, natural and not too processed. That exactly was the food that I used to enjoy with my family, care free and guilt free. Whole proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and so on. In most of the studies, a traditional Mediterranean diet, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, olives, tomatoes, healthy grains, small amount of red wine, cheese, and lean meat helps in preventing hosts of diseases and boosts cardiovascular health. Also, all these practices have to be in conjunction with portion control and exercise regimen. One without the other will be incomplete.

Today there are numerous examples of fad diets that have inundated the market, which are high on promise and very low on results. The extraordinary commercialization of health in the name of lean and fad diets have left us more perplexed than ever. Astoundingly enough, the fad diets and instant weight reducing diets have one thing in common. They are all destined to fail and they all fail. No surprises there. They do sometimes give speedy results, but once you leave them, you get back whatever you lost plus some extra, almost immediately. Fad diets can never make anybody healthy, temporarily one can get some results but in the long run that is not the healthy way of life.


The foods that your body will thank you for!!!

The stress of modern life as well as the fast pace of work and lifestyle has had a damaging impact on the general well-being of people from all walks of life. The unhealthy eating and sleeping pattern combined with complexities of modern life and disproportionate amount of time spent on and with technology and technological advancement has resulted into the crisis that most of us are not even aware of. We are walking less in the park. We are sleeping less. We don’t have time for exercise. We have less family time. We keep checking our smart phones in the middle of the night, the examples are endless. The basic premise is, we are constantly eroding our body’s defense mechanism by not providing the kind of nourishment it requires for healthy functioning of mind and body.   The nourishment of body can lead to eventual nourishment of mind which can be accomplished only if we take care of the food that we eat. With few basic changes in our eating habits and careful selection of food categories, wellness can be easily accomplished.

These are some of the super foods that I have introduced in my balanced diet plan. It has been absolute blessing and equally rewarding experience for my family and friends.

Super Healers



Vegetables are power pack of vitamins and minerals and provide a great source of fiber. Vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin C and A. Most of the vegetables contain phytochemicals particularly cruciferous vegetables.

 Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, and Cabbage. According to researchers at John Hopkins University School of Medicine (Goulart, 2009) the compound Sulforphane, found in Broccoli and other cruciferous family vegetables weaken the effect of free radicals and stimulates the antioxidants genes and enzymes to fight cancer. These vegetables also help in stabilizing cholesterol and age related decline of immune function. They are rich in calcium, folate, potassium, iron and are a super pack of vitamin C.

Tomatoes and Carrots: Tomatoes and Carrots are the most recognizable vegetable on this planet. Both vegetables are excellent immune boosters and natural disease fighters. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a carotenoid that helps to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes help in slowing the ageing process and also help build nerves and strengthen the bones. Carrots are rich in beta carotene and a good source of fiber. Beta carotene helps the vision and fiber helps in reducing bad LDL cholesterol, and replace it with good cholesterol HDL. Carrots also fight lung and colon cancer, because of the presence of phytochemical falcarinol.

All types of vegetables should be incorporated in our diet in order to strengthen our immunity and full nourishment of our cells.


Super leafy greens:  Dark leafy greens like Spinach, Kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, Mustard and Dandelion greens are rock stars among vegetables and a super pack full of iron, fiber, vitamin C, folate, potassium, calcium and carotenoids. A generous use of more than one dark leafy greens increases our immunity toward inflammation. Greens have been proven to support the body’s detoxification process. According to national womens health resource center, leafy greens specially Kale and Arugula boosts our immunity from breast, stomach and colon cancer. The flavonoid and carotenoid nutrients found in leafy greens pack a nutritional punch of antioxidants and help reduce inflammation. Greens are also very beneficial for our bone health and works like a shield and protects our body from all sorts of harmful diseases.

Garlic: Garlic is widely available and a major ingredient of most of the cuisines. Garlic is bacteria inhibitor. Garlic consumption can protect us from infectious agents, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including those that causes the common cold, as well as candida and parasites. It also helps detoxify heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury. Garlic’s cholesterol and blood glucose lowering capacity is due to a plant fiber inulin. It also helps in common cold and strengthens cardiovascular system. It’s a super immunity booster and must be a part of all diets. (Goulart, 2009)


Lightly cooked and steamed vegetables retain more nutrition. Vegetables, eaten raw as well as steamed give best results.


Super fruits: Fruits are nature’s wonder snack. Fruits are beautiful, colorful, juicy and fat free. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, especially vitamin A and C, potassium, folic acid, antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber. All kinds of fruits such as, Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Watermelon, Cantaloupe Kiwifruit, Pears are widely available and immensely significant as they are beneficial for cardiovascular, digestive, detoxification and for youthful looking skin. Apples are good source of fiber that helps prevent constipation. Fruits are delicious and nutritious and good news is, it requires no preparation and can be easily incorporated in our daily diet regimen. This super food can be generously consumed as a substitute for pies and muffins as well as for the dietary benefits that comes with it.


Super berries: Blueberries, Cranberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, flavonoids and phytochemicals. They are the Rolls Royce of fruit group and vital for our immune health. Blueberries help in lowering cholesterol, promotes urinary tract health and also protects against glaucoma. Strawberries on the other hand protects us from inflammation and specially helps people with arthritis. Cranberries are natural cure for urinary tract infection, and helps in blood circulation. Blackberries are rich in ellagic acid and can be beneficial in preventing constipation, diarrhea, anemia, and cancer. They are very good for joint health and also for cardiovascular health. Berries can be a great immune booster and generous amount should be included as a part of well balance diet.


Legumes:  Most commonly known as dried beans, such as Chickpeas, Kidney Beans, Black beans, Lima beans, Black eyed pea, Mung beans are high in protein, fiber and low in fat. They are power pack of energy with fewer calories and help in lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, avoiding heart disease, also in preventing diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and some cancers. One cup of beans provide around 15 grams of protein, when combined with rice or other whole grains they turn into complete proteins, thus highly recommended for vegetarians. Beans are miracle food and a great substitute for carbs. Due to their low glycemic index, they slowly get absorbed in the blood stream, and therefore are very beneficial for people with diabetes.


Nuts: Nuts are high in mono and polyunsaturated fats, and good source of dietary fiber and certain vitamins and minerals. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pistachios are stars among the rest of the nut group. However all the nuts e.g., Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts etc. are full of fiber and minerals. Almonds are rich in protein, vitamin E, calcium, iron and zinc. They are good for skin, and blood flow in the body. Pistachios and walnuts are rich in vitamin A and omega 3 fatty acids respectively and are also rich in fiber, minerals, iron, and folate. According to a joint report by the American institute for cancer research and the world cancer research fund (super immunity foods), a high nut diet can protect you against certain cancers—ellagic acid is one reason. Walnuts and pecans contain this phytochemical that can inactivate cancer cells and also has antiviral and anti-bacterial properties.

It is all right to go nuts about nuts. Should always be eaten raw, salted nuts do not have the same nutritional value as their raw counterpart.


Seeds: flaxseeds, chia, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds are the most widely recognized, nutritious and portable seeds and also ideal for snacking. These seeds are all rich in protein, iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium and phosphorous.

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 Flaxseeds and chia seeds:  are the real winners in the seed group. Flaxseeds are a greatest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, 2 tablespoons of milled flax gives 2800mg of Omega-3. It is also a good source of fiber and 2 tablespoon gives 4 grams of fiber. Flaxseeds help reduce the inflammation, allergies, asthma, osteoporosis, migraines and psoriasis. A report in the European journal of cancer prevention noted that women with the higher flaxseed lignan intake reduced their risk of breast cancer by 58 percent. These phytoestrogens also reduces the risk of diabetes and stabilize blood sugar as well as protect the kidney from damage that often is related to this disease. The omega 3 fatty acids in flax also provides protection against auto immune disorders such as crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatism and inflammatory respiratory condition. Flax also helps in reducing constipation and menstrual symptoms.

Chia seeds are high in calcium and dietary fiber and a good source of iron. 3 tablespoons of chia give 6 gm of omega 3 fatty acids. Similar to flaxseeds chia also provides all the health benefits associated with Omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid).

It is an excellent idea to include seeds and nuts in your diet, in order to boost the immunity as well as prepare the body to fight the above mentioned irregularities.


Dates and Figs:  Figs and dates can be a perfect substitute for sugar and sugary pies and desserts. Both Figs and Dates are rich in potassium and calcium and help in digestion and strengthen the bone. Fig leaves are particularly good for people with diabetes, they help in lowering insulin as well as triglycerides. They are also rich in beta carotene which has anticancer benefits.


Super whole grains:  Whole grains such as Wheat, Oats, Barley, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Amaranth and unpolished brown wild rice are super grains and the best source of our energy. Whole grains are low in saturated fat and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Whole grain defined: A whole grain is a grain that has not been processed. It consists of the bran, germ, and endosperm inside an inedible outer coating. Eaten in totality it contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and polysaturated fats. When grains are processed, it loses most of the good nutrients and left with only nutrition deficient flour.

Quinoa and Amaranth are super grains and complete proteins as they provide all sixteen amino acids just like dairy and meat.

Whole grains as part of daily diet can prevent several cancers, diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain, constipation. The best way to have whole grains is to look for whole brown bread, wild rice, brown rice, whole wheat pasta or any carbohydrate of your choice that has not been processed.

While choosing grains for balanced diet, serving size matters. If it is consumed more than recommended quantity, along with other foods, the chances of weight gain increases. Portion control is the key.


Olives and Olive Oils: Olives are rich in monounsaturated fat and their phytonutrient content is outstanding. Due to presence of these nutrients, olives have been found beneficial for the cardiovascular system, immune system, inflammatory system and digestive system. Olives also contain vitamins E and A. Places where fresh olives are not available, extra virgin olive oil can be used, which has same anti-inflammatory properties.

So go Olive!!!!


Herbs: Parsley, Cilantro (Coriander), Mint, Basil (Tulsi, Indian basil is also known as Holy basil) and Rosemary are some of the most commonly and widely used herbs. Parsley is used as digestive aid, and basic component of Mediterranean food. Also used as a diuretic to invigorate lungs and spleen, and stimulate kidney. Basil has anti-bacterial property and shields against listeria, E.coli. Rosemary and thyme are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory herb useful in healing respiratory conditions such as bronchitis. It is a mild stimulant for the nervous system and helps in reducing headache if taken in tea form. Mint is a super therapeutic herb and also excellent for cooking. It is beneficial in indigestion, flatulence, colic, toothache, insomnia and even menstrual cramp. It also reduces bad breath and can be eaten raw or in tea form and excellent for garnishing, because of their ornamental looks.

Additionally, a moderate amount of milk, yoghurt, fish and lean meat should be incorporated as a part of well-balanced meal. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamin and minerals and one to three daily servings are recommended from dairy group. Similarly two to three servings are recommended from poultry and fish group, in combination with other foods discussed above. Salmon and tuna have high oil content are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which protects from cardio vascular diseases.

All the above mentioned foods are superfoods and a must have for all of us, in order to offset some of the ill effects of modern, stressful lifestyle. Balanced and healthy diet has no substitute and therefore, incorporating it in our everyday living would be immensely beneficial. These foods are healthy, whole, and natural and have almost all the vitamins and minerals in abundance for our body’s nutritional requirement as part of a well-balanced diet.  A fad diet can give us a speedy result but does not go very far, resulting into unhealthy lifestyle and frustration that comes with it. Incorporating healthy, and whole food in the diet can give slow but long lasting effect on your life and living. Life is precious and short cuts do not work. Specially, while dealing with the wellness of our own body and mind, shortcuts will be nothing but futile. Henceforth, all effort should be made to fill our kitchens and pantries with the foods that will make us healthier for life.  Assuredly, couple of hundred more spent on fresh food will save us from spending couple of thousand more on health care, which we would be forced to spend, if the optimum health and wellbeing is not maintained. Life is for living and not for counting calories.

We count way too many things in our day to day existence. Calories are the last thing, we want to count. The key, however, is the serving size. Super foods can be superbly rewarding only if the emphasis is more on portion controlled healthy, fresh, whole and natural food.

The success to good life is to eat well and chose the right food and the right amount.

As Mark Twain had rightly put:

“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.”

Humorously enough I would substitute “what you like” with “what is healthy” and let food fight it out inside. Therefore,

“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat “what is healthy” and let food fight it out inside.”

I am confident the good results will come out without fighting.


The food that I have mentioned have healing powers beyond comparison, however this is for information purpose only. Anybody with medical condition should consult their health care practitioner before incorporating any of the above mentioned food types. Many people are allergic to nuts and should be cautiously mindful before any consumption.


Goulart, F. S. (2009). Super Immunity Foods. New York: McGraw Hill Books.

Hark, L., & Deen, D. (2005). Nutrition for Life. New York: D K Publishing.

7 thoughts on “Super food that heals

  1. I read it again today and this blog on super food is super!!! The list of food mentioned here are real energy boosters,balanced diet and regular exercise is all we need for an overall well being.

  2. Thank you! Keep visiting! Lifestyle, which has all the super food ingredients, in the end will be amazingly rewarding.

  3. To eat healthy and to eat right is a neverending journey and at times is quite challenging too! In my opinion ‘Super foods that heal’ acts as a guide to this journey!

  4. Very good post Sangeeta.Although we all know fresh and simple food is good for us,we get distracted by all these commercials and fad diets purposed or advertise by so called celebrities for their own financial gain.

    But with good food,better lifestyle is also needed.Atleast I can tell about me…..I find all my problems started with this sedentary life style. 🙂

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